Texas To-Do List: Vol. 42

Texas To-Do List: Vol. 42

We recently announced a PSA for our friends in Dallas. We make fun of them a lot, but they never fail to defend Dallas. We can’t help it, especially when we’re not the only ones doing it! Nevertheless, this is our official statement to say that Dallas is pretty cool and 1836% Texan. Y’all happy now, Dallas?

Anyways, here’s what’s been going on around the rest of Texas this week:

1. We launched BRAND NEW City Tees for a few Texas cities.

2. A design mishap has got El Paso feeling left out.

3. Get your state fair fix here.

4. What Texas towns do you have trouble pronouncing?

5. One of San Antonio’s very own is hitting Amazon Prime.

6. Kinda shocked that a San Antonio taco week took this long.

7. Looking for an outdoor activity this fall? Try a floating cinema.

8. I’ll take 3 scoops.

9. These aren’t tears, it’s just my allergies.

10. A little fall family fun.

11. There’s still hope for the future.

12. It’s the narration for me.

That does it for this week. Hope you enjoy your first weekend of Fall, and remember to stay Texan!