Texas To-Do List: Vol.13

Texas To-Do List: Vol.13

We ponder a lot of things on the Texas Humor content team (like what Texas city is best and why George Strait is so dang good). It's why we've debated so many highly contentious things on our feeds recently. We've been putting together these Texas To-Do Lists of great content from around the web and thought you might enjoy.

This list is full of debatable topics, so we thought you might want to partake:

1. We released four new masks, with an all new Howdy design. Do you like the red, white, or the charcoal version?

2. If you could only pick two menu items from Whataburger, which would you choose?

3. Would you rather live in Florida or get stung by a murder hornet?

4. Do you consider this a vegetarian option?

5. Who had the better weather report? This guy who used his yard or this guy who used his dog?

6. Is this not the sweetest thing ever?

7. Isn't this a great impression of Harrison Ford?

8. If a bat gave us COVID-19, should we hire the Spurs mascot to cure it?

9. Have you ever seen a more true statement about Texas drivers than this?

10. Speaking of driving in Texas, how accurate is this?

11. Tonight is the last night to get our special edition charity shirt we designed with Lone Star Beer. Hurry!

If you've missed any of our other To-Do lists, you can find them on our blog. I hope you're having an amazing week.

Stay tough. Stay friendly. Stay Texan.