Texas To-Do List: Vol. 37

Texas To-Do List: Vol. 37

So, I have a hilarious story to share about my wife, a fox, and, well…, just go see it for yourself

Now on to the to-do list:

1. This is easily one of our most popular tees ever. The designer, John, is a hero.

2. You know who’s not a hero, the person who came up with this logic.

3. Guess our secret is out.

4. While on the topic, here’s an extra Texan collection you’ll love.

5. This kid is a hero in baking.

6. It may be raining, but I still stand by this.

7. In more hero news, they also work at Chick-Fil-a.

8. How will you fill in the blank?

9. Do you think they’ve got Oompa Loompas too?

10. Whata-mazing news for Dallas.

11. And when you're not watching dem Cowboys, here’s some fun back up plans.

12. Texas is a little confused on what season we’re in. 

That’s it for this list. Whether you're making snow angels in the panhandle, or just trying to stay out of the monsoons of Central Texas, hope you’re enjoying the break from the sun and always staying Texan!