Texas To-Do List: Vol. 22

Texas To-Do List: Vol. 22

If you had to pick something you hated more, would you pick this triple digit weather or the mosquitos that seem to revel in our pain? I'm gonna pick math...and the heat.

What I don't hate though is this collection of Texas Humor To-Do items:

1. We've got three new masks color combos, including Maroon for all you Aggies out there. We made them bigger too.

2. Winslow, the Texas Humor mascot partnered up with me on a new video on TikTok.

3. Have you ever wanted to make a Honey Butter Chicken Biscuit at home? Now you can.

4. I'm still looking for the recipe on how to make a HBCB out of cake though...

5. This safety precaution makes sense in theory, but is hard to follow in practice.

6. There's an entire website devoted to tacos and I'm somehow just now finding out about it.

7. People are smoking watermelons (in NY of course) and I am now offended as a BBQ crazed Texan.

8. Speaking of BBQ. Have you built your tray yet?

9. And what do you like to drink with your BBQ? Wrong answers only.

10. I want this couple to be my Grandparents. I'll get a security camera just so they can come say hi.

Stay cool out there Texas. Stay friendly too.